Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Serious tracking to maximize AdSense profits

How do you find out which AdSense ads get the highest number of click-throughs? How do you find out which ads are best at generating clicks that pay?

AdSense provides what it calls channels, and you can experiment to find out which pages on your site are generating the most revenue, which colors work best, what ad placement works best, whether you should use borderless ads, etc.

However, if you have a large site, you'll find AdSense tracking via channels is seriously lacking.

AdSense Tracker is a powerful php script that keeps detailed logs of all impressions and clicks on AdSense ads on all your websites without altering the ad code itself. The data can then be used to analyze the effectiveness of your sites, track different ad sizes and styles, or even individual pages.

You can track every click-through so you'll know what your visitors are looking for. This makes it easy for you to build more perfectly targeted, profitable pages.

It can track unlimited domains and pages. It's resource intensive and should be hosted separately.

If you just have a small site you probably don't need it. AdSense Tracker is a tool for professionals.

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